Every top leader will read new books - Here are a few you need ... expert leadership Oct 14, 2022

We are committed to supporting you in the business journey.
Alongside our experts, mentors and advisory teams, we apply their expertise alongside a proven methodology for building a stronger organisation and making better decisions: we call it The 12 Pivot-Points (know more here).

Join our book...

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How to become a Strategy Implementation Expert management Feb 18, 2022

At Advisory & Mentoring, there isn't a month where we see companies of all sizes being negatively impacted by poor strategy implementation.

What if ... your business could discover the roadmap to deliver effective strategy implementation?

The first option is for us to talk and work together...

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THE CRITICALITY OF BEING ABLE TO SOLVE PROBLEMS leadership management Feb 11, 2022

There is no organisation that has no problems.

Every organisation is faced with a range of challenges – some of them are problems that impede their efforts to deliver their objectives – and some are opportunities that also generate problems associated with adaptation, adoption,...

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Get more from your communication skills in 2022 communication management Jan 07, 2022

With so much change occurring across the entire economy and society, communications have become the critical link between the organisation and every one of its stakeholders; between achieving your objectives, and not; between increasing your risk, and managing your risk; between being perceived...

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Discover a 12-point diagnostic that will never let your business down management Dec 01, 2021

As we enter the month of December (12), discover the 12 Pivot Points every organisation needs to get right.

We have learned from decades of experience that there are no islands in organisations. When things happen, or don’t happen, there are impacts up and down the organisation, and often...

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You are not alone! Our Speakers are with you.

expert speaker Jun 04, 2021

Speaker Panel

Our Subject Experts are all highly experienced, knowledgeable and they have a wonderful reputation in their areas of expertise. They are spread around the globe – and they are carefully and methodically vetted by us. We use our Experts to run our very successful Master Class...

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Transformational Leadership – How to Improve Management Outcomes

leadership May 21, 2021

Proactive, collaborative and transparent leaders consider, the effect and reaction from others when looking at what changes in action, behaviour or management style will have over the team or department in their organisations. These leaders carefully measure how a decision relating to one...

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Press Release - Partnership to support your business

partnership May 07, 2021

Advisory & Mentoring (A&M) and PRI from Indonesia are now partners

PRI is a boutique Human Capital consulting firm based in Jakarta and with alliances in Asia Pacific, Africa, Europe, USA and Canada.

Since 1994 they have worked across National and International organisations,...

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Your Business must rely on the 5 Pillars for Personal Success

management success Apr 03, 2020

Last month, we were working with a client in the UK in the services industry, he shared with us his 5 Pillars of success.
We thought there was a lot of common sense and he agreed that we shared his recipe with you.

Work hard on those 5 pillars:

1. ME Brand

2. TEAM Brand

3. Project Management


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