A Leader's Ego: Constructive or destructive? leadership Sep 22, 2023

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, your ego is “your idea or opinion of yourself, especially your feeling of your own importance and ability.”[1]

In psychoanalytic terms, the ego attempts to achieve one’s hidden desires within the demands of the real world.

These two...

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The Importance of Etiquette and Respect in Leadership 12pivotpoints leadership Sep 15, 2023

You have probably never seen a real and legitimate successful leader look away from you when they’re talking to you, blow their nose on a napkin, talk through someone’s speech, wipe their nose on their sleeve, wear jeans to a formal meeting, forget peoples’ names, or other such...

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PP3 - 12 Steps to help you reach your goals and build your business 12pivotpoints decision making Sep 15, 2023

Let's discover the Pivot-Point number 3: the market

Owners (or the proxied corporation) choose the broad environment (market) in which to participate in order to extract the benefit sought by owners.

This doesn’t imply that these choices are always correct. Sometimes decisions to embark...

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A Leader's Personal Moral, Ethics and Principles leadership Sep 08, 2023

In a previous article, we discussed the “inner” and personal values of all people, and specifically of leaders, and of the impact that these “inner” subjectivities can have on a leader’s journey.

When the leader exposes their values to the organisation, they...

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Leadership skills and personal values leadership Sep 01, 2023

We all have a reasonably accurate view of ourselves – regardless of how we present ourselves to others. Most of us know or suspect our “true selves.”

Similarly, we each have a reasonable understanding of what we consider “right” and what we consider...

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Experience-Based Leadership Handbook - Become a better leader! 12pivotpoints book May 12, 2023

Over the last few years, you have probably seen regular newsletters, webinars, and other information from Advisory & Mentoring.

Our clients, of course, have seen much more from us – increased profit, increased sales, lower costs, lower risk, new opportunities. It’s what we do and...

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Get any of these wrong and you will fail - You need all 12 pivot-points management Apr 14, 2023

When talking with the shareholders and directors of major corporations, it is increasingly common to hear them talk of the difficulty they experience in maintaining control over their corporations and, more importantly, ensuring that the corporation delivers that which is expected of it by its...

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The Loneliness in Leadership

leadership Feb 24, 2023

When we speak of “leadership” most people unsurprisingly think of CEOship.
The reality is that although CEOs are certainly leaders, there are other leaders in the organisation apart from the CEO.
Every person who has the responsibility for other people, is a leader of those people,...

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Implement your 2023 strategy with success - Free webinar digital speaker Jan 11, 2023

You know the predictions for your industry and you know the importance of both excellence in execution and a growing need for digitisation.

Don't let your business down and, if you have missed our free webinar on January 19th, you can still register to access the recording.

Register here.


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Brave New World - Plan your year 2023 successfully management Jan 06, 2023

When we contemplate our future, we are confronted with aspects of a brave new world – but not the Aldous Huxley version.

There are two fundamental dimensions of our future: how will we as a society, a species, transform into a new reality; and how do we and our organisations adapt to this...

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Happy New Year 2023 - 12 pivot-points for 12 months communication Jan 01, 2023

We wish you, the family and the team a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2023.

May 2023 be a year full of joy, wisdom and abundance.

We are looking forward to serving you and helping you set up and reach the goals you have.

Our 12 pivot-points proven methodology will bring transformation in...

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Discover how to develop a Strategic Marketing Plan Nov 11, 2022

Let's work together through the various steps and if you need any support or insight, we are only a phone call or email away.

Step One

  1. Identify the outcomes (KPOs) you require your marketing activities to deliver.

For example, are those marketing activities intended to grow the number of...

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