The change strategy: preparing for change, and how do I start? 12pivotpoints change management Dec 15, 2023
Extract from the book by Cenred Harmsworth and Dr Jack Jacoby, Managing Change Initiatives
Available in Hard Back, Soft Back and eBook from Amazon


Preparing for change is the assessment, consideration, and preparation an organization makes before the change process actually...

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The Change Manager - Role and Responsibilities change management Nov 15, 2023

The Change Manager

A change manager is the person responsible within a project in managing the people-related requirements and impacts of the change and normally reports to a project manager or program manager.

The change manager helps projects meet the objectives of the organization, project,...

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Mastering Leadership through Experience leadership Nov 08, 2023

An organisation will appoint a leader who can demonstrate to the board their capability for a particular organisational context defined by that board.

For example, an organisation in start-up mode will seek a leader with experience in start-up organisations. An organisation in a mature...

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Mastering Project Governance: Key to Success change management Nov 08, 2023

Project governance refers to the management framework in which the project will be “held accountable” to the authority of the organization.

Some people say that governance is the way decisions are made. In reality, it’s more about the way in-project decisions are reviewed and...

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A Leaderā€™s Maturity leadership Nov 03, 2023

The general understanding of the term “maturity” is of a person behaving emotionally and mentally as would an adult, and immaturity is behaving as an adult wouldn’t.

Based on the people we have known during our lives, it would be hard to convince us that all leaders are mature,...

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Sponsorships in Change Initiatives change change management Oct 31, 2023

According to the Project Management Institute’s The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) Guide, the sponsor “is the person or group [of people] that provides the financial resources, in cash or in kind, for the Project.”

As defined by, “The...

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Organisational Benefits from Change change management Oct 25, 2023

Business or organizational benefits are the positive outcomes and features that contribute to the achievement of the organization’s objectives. In the context of change and project management, they are the positive outcomes and features caused by, generated by, or produced by the effective...

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A Leaderā€™s Open Mindedness decision making leadership Oct 20, 2023

Picture this: you’re sitting in a business meeting watching proceedings. The senior multi-cultural manager attendees are meeting to resolve a major issue.

The leader, who has been in the industry and CEO of the organisation for a couple of decades, is chairing the meeting.

There is general...

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The world is in turmoil. Discover the ONE solution that works with our clients. management Oct 18, 2023

The world is in turmoil.

We are living through major pressures for change – pressures that are forcing us to move us away from what we know and what we are experienced in dealing with, and into an unsure and riskier place.

These pressures include geo-political instability, the pandemic,...

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How to craft a persuasive business case for change change management Oct 08, 2023

This blog post is a chapter extract from the book by Cenred Harmsworth and Dr Jack Jacoby: Managing Change Initiatives
Available in Hard Back, Soft Back and eBook from Amazon.


A business case presents and assesses the business justification for initiating a task or project....

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The Criticality of Empathy - Make it work for you! people management Oct 06, 2023

Let’s consider the empathy issue more deeply than the previous brief mentions.

We have seen how EQ (read here the article on EQ/ Emotional intelligence) is critical to a leader’s tools. Empathy is an integral element of EQ.

Empathy is the characteristic of understanding, being aware...

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A Leader's Ego: Constructive or destructive? leadership Sep 22, 2023

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, your ego is “your idea or opinion of yourself, especially your feeling of your own importance and ability.”[1]

In psychoanalytic terms, the ego attempts to achieve one’s hidden desires within the demands of the real world.

These two...

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