Extract from the book by Cenred Harmsworth and Dr Jack Jacoby, Managing Change Initiatives
Available in Hard Back, Soft Back and eBook from Amazon
Preparing for change is the assessment, consideration, and preparation an organization makes before the change process actually...
You have probably never seen a real and legitimate successful leader look away from you when they’re talking to you, blow their nose on a napkin, talk through someone’s speech, wipe their nose on their sleeve, wear jeans to a formal meeting, forget peoples’ names, or other such...
The Environment of Change
The management of change environment covers a number of key dimensions. Each of these dimensions has the ability to enable more effective transformation (change) or, in its absence, seriously compromise a change initiative.
These environments (or...
Let's discover the Pivot-Point number 3: the market
Owners (or the proxied corporation) choose the broad environment (market) in which to participate in order to extract the benefit sought by owners.
This doesn’t imply that these choices are always correct. Sometimes decisions to embark...
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Our clients, of course, have seen much more from us – increased profit, increased sales, lower costs, lower risk, new opportunities. It’s what we do and...
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