Extract from the book by Cenred Harmsworth and Dr Jack Jacoby, Managing Change Initiatives
Available in Hard Back, Soft Back and eBook from Amazon
Preparing for change is the assessment, consideration, and preparation an organization makes before the change process actually...
When talking with the shareholders and directors of major corporations, it is increasingly common to hear them talk of the difficulty they experience in maintaining control over their corporations and, more importantly, ensuring that the corporation delivers that which is expected of it by its...
What has 40-years of helping corporations and organisations taught us?
We have learned that there are 12 Pivot-Points in every organisation that must be conquered to satisfy that organisation’s objectives. Failure in any of these Pivot-Points will compromise objectives and may even cause...
A change initiative generally evolves through a number of phases.
Someone (inside or outside of the organization) identifies that things are not as they should be or could be and that something needs to be done to better align the issue, function, process, or outcomes.
The Environment of Change
The management of change environment covers a number of key dimensions. Each of these dimensions has the ability to enable more effective transformation (change) or, in its absence, seriously compromise a change initiative.
These environments (or...
The world is in turmoil.
We are living through major pressures for change – pressures that are forcing us to move us away from what we know and what we are experienced in dealing with, and into an unsure and riskier place.
These pressures include geo-political instability, the pandemic,...
This blog post is a chapter extract from the book by Cenred Harmsworth and Dr Jack Jacoby: Managing Change Initiatives
Available in Hard Back, Soft Back and eBook from Amazon.
A business case presents and assesses the business justification for initiating a task or project....
When we contemplate our future, we are confronted with aspects of a brave new world – but not the Aldous Huxley version.
There are two fundamental dimensions of our future: how will we as a society, a species, transform into a new reality; and how do we and our organisations adapt to this...
At Advisory & Mentoring, there isn't a month where we see companies of all sizes being negatively impacted by poor strategy implementation.
What if ... your business could discover the roadmap to deliver effective strategy implementation?
The first option is for us to talk and work together...
There is no organisation that has no problems.
Every organisation is faced with a range of challenges – some of them are problems that impede their efforts to deliver their objectives – and some are opportunities that also generate problems associated with adaptation, adoption,...
With so much change occurring across the entire economy and society, communications have become the critical link between the organisation and every one of its stakeholders; between achieving your objectives, and not; between increasing your risk, and managing your risk; between being perceived...
As we enter the month of December (12), discover the 12 Pivot Points every organisation needs to get right.
We have learned from decades of experience that there are no islands in organisations. When things happen, or don’t happen, there are impacts up and down the organisation, and often...
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