Solving wicked problems in your organisation people management Sep 20, 2024

As a result of the work we do, we know that there are no “perfect” organisations. They all struggle with their own problems, challenges, issues, and opportunities.

Sometimes, a group of executives knowledgeable of the issue, sit down and navigate path forward. It may not be an ideal...

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EQ, IQ and dealing with people (and getting your way) people management May 03, 2024

There are many people who argue that emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important than general intelligence (IQ).

The reality of course, is that both are very important, and context plays a key role in determining which is more critical in a particular situation.
From the perspective of...

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How to tell if you need a Mentor? people management Apr 26, 2024

People often assume that leaders automatically come up with the right answers because of the position they hold. The thought is that “they wouldn’t be leaders if they didn’t come up with the right solutions most of the time.”
One would like to think so, but the reality is...

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The Criticality of Empathy - Make it work for you! people management Oct 06, 2023

Let’s consider the empathy issue more deeply than the previous brief mentions.

We have seen how EQ (read here the article on EQ/ Emotional intelligence) is critical to a leader’s tools. Empathy is an integral element of EQ.

Empathy is the characteristic of understanding, being aware...

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