We regularly deliver insightful and thought-provoking webinars for senior executives in order to help them reach their goals.
You may be wondering about the connection between Robin Speculand’s Strategy Implementation webinar and the critical 12 Pivot-Points methodology that is Advisory...
Extract from the book by Cenred Harmsworth and Dr Jack Jacoby, Managing Change Initiatives
Available in Hard Back, Soft Back and eBook from Amazon
Preparing for change is the assessment, consideration, and preparation an organization makes before the change process actually...
The general understanding of the term “maturity” is of a person behaving emotionally and mentally as would an adult, and immaturity is behaving as an adult wouldn’t.
Based on the people we have known during our lives, it would be hard to convince us that all leaders are mature,...
When talking with the shareholders and directors of major corporations, it is increasingly common to hear them talk of the difficulty they experience in maintaining control over their corporations and, more importantly, ensuring that the corporation delivers that which is expected of it by its...
Project governance refers to the management framework in which the project will be “held accountable” to the authority of the organization.
Some people say that governance is the way decisions are made. In reality, it’s more about the way in-project decisions are reviewed and...
When a leader appears to have little confidence in their own judgement and abilities, why should the leader’s followers respect what the leader says or does?
Personal confidence is confidence in oneself, in one’s own judgement, in one’s own experience, and can be considered to...
As a result of the work we do, we know that there are no “perfect” organisations. They all struggle with their own problems, challenges, issues, and opportunities.
Sometimes, a group of executives knowledgeable of the issue, sit down and navigate path forward. It may not be an ideal...
You have probably never seen a real and legitimate successful leader look away from you when they’re talking to you, blow their nose on a napkin, talk through someone’s speech, wipe their nose on their sleeve, wear jeans to a formal meeting, forget peoples’ names, or other such...
What has 40-years of helping corporations and organisations taught us?
We have learned that there are 12 Pivot-Points in every organisation that must be conquered to satisfy that organisation’s objectives. Failure in any of these Pivot-Points will compromise objectives and may even cause...
We are all familiar with the stories about very successful people without any or with minimal education who created their fame and fortune by making intuitive decisions that have served them well.
Stories of retailers or factory owners, for example, who started with one store or one factory which...
An organisation will appoint a leader who can demonstrate to the board their capability for a particular organisational context defined by that board.
For example, an organisation in start-up mode will seek a leader with experience in start-up organisations. An organisation in a mature...
Being an “authentic leader” depends on how you define the term as the concept of Authentic Leadership is still evolving.
It’s important to recognise that employees look up to a leader who can lead, who demonstrates positive values, and who demonstrate the behaviours they want...
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