Transformational Leadership – How to Improve Management Outcomes

leadership May 21, 2021

Proactive, collaborative and transparent leaders consider, the effect and reaction from others when looking at what changes in action, behaviour or management style will have over the team or department in their organisations. These leaders carefully measure how a decision relating to one department will affect the entire organisation. They will have an awareness of where to initiate the first action to best affect the remaining team members. These leaders understand that their work and those of each manager is only made possible with the collaboration, trust and momentum that comes from their team.

These Transformational leaders approach each situation from a place of internal motivation, using this force to power the collective mission and vision of the organisation. By instilling equal value and power into everyone within the organisational, the leader is trusting that the change in the individual will inevitably affect a change throughout the entire organisation.
To appreciate the full, force this can have on your organisation, there are a few distinct qualities that leaders need to display to get the most out of the natural momentum that comes from having trusting that each piece will fall sequentially into place, causing the optimum change:

The transformational leader will be proactive in their approach to arranging any change within the organisation. They will motivate everyone who will be instrumental in delivering the change. They will anticipate any missed connections, reflect on past errors or missed opportunities, they will test parts of the plan that may need tweaking or realignment, and they will foresee the difficulties down the path.
No matter how large or small the scope of the vision, the transformational leader will actively develop a challenging and engaging vision for every team member to see and feel a part of. The vision of the change will be tied together through the development of small planned steps and the promise of small successes along the path towards its full implementation.

By maximising collaboration, the leader will focus on the ‘we’ of the task ahead. This will involve bringing the team together, listening and collaborating at every possible opportunity, and empowering others to also see their potential to set the pieces in motion.
A major part of this transformational leadership approach is also celebrating individual achievement of tasks made possible with the assistance and direction of instrumental mentors or coaches. Transformational leaders will impart with knowledge to assist those around them to conquer the challenges ahead.

When a leader understands the nature of transformational leadership rather than transactional leadership, the overall outcome of the plan they have initiated will be the telling factor in its success, along with the lasting attitudes of their individual team members. Transparent, Responsive, Responsible and Reflective – these are some of the things the transformational leader needs to be when they are committed to getting the best results. If a misstep happens, the transformational leader is responsive instead of unresponsive, and engaged instead of dismissive.
With an understanding of Transformational Leadership, the leader can anticipate all steps in the change process. If the process doesn’t fall the way the leader envisioned, knee jerk reactions and blame is avoided. Instead the leader focuses on seeking feedback and carefully listening to it with a growth mindset perspective.
When it comes to transformational leadership, cause and effect becomes paramount. With momentum behind it, a falling domino can knock over another domino more than one and a half times its own weight. Imagine the implications of this phenomenon as a metaphor for individual motivation and motivation in your organisation.

Transformational vs. Transactional

• They have a clear vision of the future and communicate it
• They act out of integrity and adhere to their values
• They use the power of alignment
• They understand the necessity of change and know how to implement it – they see themselves as change agents

• Transform the needs, values, preferences and aspirations of followers from self-interest to team interest
• Cause followers to become highly committed to both the leader’s and the organisations mission
• Cause followers to perform above and beyond the call of duty

• By influencing the behaviour of followers in a positive and transformational way
• By influencing the attitude of followers in a positive and transformational way
• By motivating followers to make major changes
• By motivating followers to make highly significant, or even unusual, achievements and accomplishments
• By persuading followers to accept new ways of doing things


• They know how to ask for help
• They coach, not criticise
• They develop learning organisations
• They work harder on themselves than on their people
• They have a clear vision of the future and communicate it
• They act out of integrity and adhere to their values
• They use the power of alignment
• They understand the necessity of change and know how to implement it – they see themselves as change agents


1. Charismatic influence – the degree to which the leader behaves in admirable ways that cause followers to identify with them
2. Inspirational motivation – the degree to which the leader articulates a vision that is appealing and inspiring to followers
3. Intellectual stimulation – the degree to which the leader challenges assumptions and solicits follower’s ideas
4. Individualised consideration – the degree to which the leader attends to each followers needs, acts as a mentor or coach, listens to the follower’s concerns, and respects celebrates the individual contribution of team members.

John McMorrow