How to build your strategy & action plan over lunch?

expert strategy Jun 07, 2024
strategy discussed over lunch - Michelin star treatment and menu

Can you change the 2024 results of your business over lunch?

Yes you can and you can even do it over a "digital lunch".

If you want to get an expert and very experienced external Master Strategist’s take on your issues and find the solutions for a clear way forward, then arrange for us to meet over a lunch or dinner to discuss your biggest problems, challenges or opportunities.

Come by yourself or with a small team of your executives, board members or investors. Expect to spend at least three hours with the expert.
If you wish, forward a context document before the session to save time.

The bigger the challenge you have and the nicer the meal, then the longer the session – anything from an hour to a few hours.

The results for you will be a crystal-clear plan for going forward and a wonderful dessert.

Not a bad way to focus and solve real-world corporate and organizational challenges and leverage great opportunities – in private – and over a good meal.

Areas of focus (expertise) include:

  • Corporate and Organizational Strategy
  • Organizational Structure
  • Change Strategy and Change Management
  • Leadership
  • Culture
  • Organisational Efficiency and Effectiveness
  • Business Planning
  • Shareholder Metrics
  • Knowledge Management
  • Corporate Trouble-shooting
  • Life Coach and Mentor / Mentor in Confidence

We are happy to meet with clients almost anywhere on the globe. We have conducted high-value sessions in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Africa, United Kingdom and the US.

The size and caliber of the clients suggests that the size, cost and risk of their issues and opportunities makes their time investment, and the fees, negligible in comparison – and you get a great meal as well.

To book the meal and discuss the menu, email [email protected].