Organisational Benefits from Change
Oct 25, 2023
Business or organizational benefits are the positive outcomes and features that contribute to the achievement of the organization’s objectives. In the context of change and project management, they are the positive outcomes and features caused by, generated by, or produced by the effective management of change initiatives.
These organizational benefits vary and may include, among many others, the following beneficial outcomes:
- Improved financial outcomes.
- Improved strategic outcomes.
- Improved operational outcomes, efficiency, and effectiveness.
- Improved resource management, efficiency, and effectiveness.
- Improved productivity per unit invested and per unit of resource.
- Enhanced understanding of operational metrics.
- Reduced costs.
- Increased operational flexibility.
- Better organizational alignment with changing industry requirements.
- Improved legislative compliance.
- Reduced risk.
- Improved financial management.
- Improved team collaboration.
- Improved employee engagement.
- Improved employee skills.
- Enhanced corporate governance.
- Optimized IT spending.
- Improve key employee retention.
- Improved access to mission-critical knowledge and enterprise information.
These benefits (or outcomes) are not all complementary as some conflict with others. For example, dividend growth and asset growth - one can maximize one but at the expense of the other - it’s hard (but not impossible) to do both simultaneously.
Furthermore, what is a benefit to one organization does not mean that it will be a benefit for another. To be a benefit, it must serve the organization in its context.
In terms of change and project management, the benefits that the project is intended to deliver must be known at the contemplation and planning stages of the initiative. This is because the benefit is the driver and determiner of the optimal implementation strategy and reflects the quantum of investment required to deliver it.
- Review your organization’s last five change projects.
- Identify the promised benefits of each.
- Determine whether the benefits were real business imperatives at the time or incidental benefits used to justify the business case.
- Determine which of the promised benefits were delivered in full.
- Contemplate your analysis.
- What needs to change as a result of your analysis?
If you have or suspect negative responses to these issues, then your leadership or the leadership of others may be compromised.
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We’re proud to advise that the authors of this piece are Advisory & Mentoring directors.
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